Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Post 2: Oct 22,23

Biology:  What do you think might happen if the G2 checkpoint stopped working in cells?
  Do you think a skin cell would have a long or short G1 stage?  Why?

AnP:  Which of the divisions of the nervous system would be first utilized when a you receive a shot in the arm?  What neurons would be stimulated?

Biochem: Explain why protein shape is so important.

Env Chem:  Explain the difference between kinetic and potential energy.  When a child is swinging on a swing, explain how potential energy is converted to kinetic and back.

Botany:  Explain 5 of the types of leaves and how each of their functions is specialized for its use.

Physics:  Briefly outline or detail 5 of the main events/discoveries that occurred in the world of Physics from 1540-1690.

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