Monday, November 18, 2013

Post 11: Nov 19 and 20

A and P:  Using the coloring book pages I gave the sub, briefly describe the formed elements found in blood.

Biology:  Read through section 8.1 in the text and explain the role of Oswald Avery in discovering DNA.

Biochemistry:  What is an enzyme and give 2 ways that they are important to the human body.

Env Chem:  The book states "water is for life".  Give 4 supporting reasons the book lists for this statement.  (See page 199)

Physics:  If an automobile engine delivers 100.0 HP of power, how much time will it take for the engine to do 1.2 x 10^6 J of work?  (1 HP = 746W)

Botany:  Describe each of the 3 shapes of bacteria.  Does their shape affect their role?

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