Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Post 9: Nov 12, 13

Anatomy and Physiology:  Why is it that when you hear a faint sound, you turn your head toward it?  Why does food not taste as good when a person has a cold?

Biology:  Give 3 examples of traits that can be passed from generation to generation.  Also, explain the difference between a purebred and hybrid (cross) organism.

Biochemistry:  Outline the 4 stage process of drug development in the US.

Physics:  Summarize the "Why it Matters" article on page 199.

Env Chem:  After doing your research, in your opinion, can Typhoon Haiyan be linked to climate change?  Explain.  Also, briefly explain what a storm surge is.

Botany:  Explain 3 things that you learned from the leaf colors article.

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